Sunday, December 2, 2012

Happy Birthday Dina!

Today is a very special indeed: we celebrate the birthday of the Gothic Goddess herself, the ever-evil Dina James.

Dina is my other half here at the ELEW, ensuring shit gets done and I don't give up and throw in the towel. She always helps me get back up when I've been (sometimes by myself) knocked down and reminds me to dust myself off and keep going because she will not suffer a whiner, and in case you haven't guessed, she is utterly terrifying. Dina effortlessly, unknowingly inspires people to be their best, and we are all better people for knowing her.

Happy birthday, Dina. You're a Ferrari and always my favourite.
Have a wonderful day.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much! I truly love the Evil League of Evil Writers.


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